Whether you want to earn bragging rights, get some cool swag or help out Special Olympics New Jersey, our incentive program is your way to get your hands on some Plunge gear.
As you hit fundraising milestones, you’ll earn the items below, which are cumulative – and help out Special Olympics New Jersey even more…win-win! So the more money you raise, the more cool items you will receive.
2025 Incentives
$100 – $299
Plunge Sweatshirt
$5,000 and up
Choice of custom embroidered jacket
ALL PLUNGERS must raise the minimum based on their registration tier ($100, $110, or $120). If plunging as a team, all team members are still required to raise their registration tier minimum. This minimum will get each plunger the first incentive item, a Polar Bear Plunge Hoodie. To qualify for incentives, all donations need to be received by the time you check in on the day of the Plunge. Donations will be accepted through April; however, anything received after the plunge, will not be included in your incentive total.
You will receive all incentives up to the $2,500 level at check-in on plunge day. The $5,000 incentive and any items that need to be ordered, will be mailed 6 – 8 weeks after the plunge, to the address provided at registration.
We do not sell any of our Plunge incentives because we feel it is a privilege for those who participate and have earned the various incentive levels. If we have a large number of incentives left at the end of the season, we’ll make the items available online. We do have separate souvenirs that are available for anyone to purchase at the plunge.
Plungers cannot change their incentive after the event. Incentives are given out based on what your fundraising total is on the day of the plunge. Any funds turned in after the plunge will still go towards your fundraising total but will not change your incentive.
*Please note that all incentive colors and styles are subject to change
Yes, each team member is required to raise the registration tier minimum depending on when they signed up ($100, $110, or $120) to receive the plunge hoodie and participate.
Plungers are responsible for picking up any earned incentives or arranging for them to be shipped at an additional cost.
*Please note that all incentive colors and styles are subject to change based on availability.
Contact Us
If you still have questions about the Plunge, contact us at pbpinfo@sonj.org.